Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Creativity & Technology inspires love of Science

Hands-on Digital Tech
By Harry Grover TuttleMay 15, 2007URL: http://www.techlearning.com/showArticle.php?articleID=196604460
from Technology & Learning
With a little creativity and a bit of technology, educators can inspire a lifelong love of science in their students—and raise achievement levels.
Traditionally, only the best-funded schools could afford to offer students the kinds of hands-on science experiences that "real life" scientists perform. But with the advent of digital technologies and portable, affordable handheld computing devices, real world investigations—that also address science standards—are now broadly accessible to students at all grade levels.
Digital Photos
Primary students begin to understand the structure and function in living systems when they take a daily picture of a plant against a meter stick. Each picture contains a sign with the date. The students start taking pictures the first day the seed breaks through the soil. They post their pictures in chronological order around the room. Primary school students often forget what has happened a few days earlier. But they can use the photos to analyze the various changes in the plant such as the number of new leaves, the change in color, and the number of days from a bud to the flower.
Word Processing
To help elementary school students develop a deeper understanding of the diversity of organisms, the teacher can create a word-processed chart that has the various characteristics of mammals going across and a list of animals going down the chart. The students individually identify which animal has which characteristics.
Digital Movies
Students develop an understanding about ecosystems when they plan a vegetable garden. They can listen to stories about gardens on the computer. They carefully read to determine how far apart seeds have to be, which plants can co-exist, and which plants have the same water requirements. They plan their gardens out in a spreadsheet or in a concept map program, and they can take digital movies of the garden as it grows from an empty plot to a community of ripe vegetables.
Probes and PDAs
Science teachers can assess how well their middle school students have developed understandings about environments by using a graphic organizer. Students may take a pretest to show they understand about stream life through its biological, physical, and chemical aspects. After they conduct an analysis of a local stream using digital motion and temperature probes and PDAs, they write up their findings. At the end of the unit, they complete a post-test graphic organizer that has the same categories as the pretest organizer. Teachers compare the two maps to determine the improved level of students' understanding.
Handhelds and probeware, such as the unit pictured here from Vernier Software, allow students to conduct experiments either in class or "in the field." Information can then be instantly relayed back to the desktop.
Freeze Frames
Middle school science students may demonstrate an understanding about science and technology when they analyze the images of their gravity experiment as captured by a digital movie they've made. They can pull out certain frames such as two objects being released at the same time, falling past a distance marker, and hitting the floor simultaneously. They can then import these into a graphics program and write information on the frames, then import these back into the movie program to produce an annotated explanation of the experiment about gravity.
Videoconferencing and Collaborative Tools
As middle school students participate in an Internet collaborative project on the natural-hazards component of "Science in Personal and Social Perspectives," they realize that human-generated natural hazards are a global issue. Students from three countries use videoconferencing or a social networking tool, including a wiki, to compare the pollution generated in the schools' cafeterias from such items as paper bags, plastic bags, food wrappers, and drink containers. Each group analyzes its weeklong observations and illustrates the findings through various digital spreadsheets. The groups study each other's spreadsheets for commonalities and differences, and then decide what actions they can take to minimize the schools' pollution. They can produce PowerPoint presentations or movies to illustrate the degree of cafeteria pollution and give suggestions on how to reduce it. The students can even show their pollution productions in the cafeterias during lunchtime.
When middle school students are engaged in learning about Earth in the solar system through simulations or models, they develop a deeper understanding. Students participate in a space flight simulation in which they duplicate what it is like to be on a space mission. They decide on the mission's purpose and the experiments to be conducted, who will be commanding mission control, and who will be the crew. Furthermore, they decide on the individual roles of the crew such as scientific officer and communication officer. The simulation seems real when the students view actual space images, hear the recorded voices of astronauts, and compare their mission with those that have taken place. There are free simulations available online, such as Orbiter pictured on this page.
Student Blogs
Through the use of student classroom blogs, e-mail, or small online communities, pairs of high school students can assess each other's ability to communicate scientific procedures and explanations. The teacher gives them a checklist of what is required for a lab report and the students evaluate each other's reports and electronically return them to their partners. If the report is delivered via blog, students can attach comments and suggestions. These peer assessments can be attached to the final lab report to show how suggested improvements have been implemented.
High school science students can demonstrate their understanding of atoms and molecules by producing videos on the cohesion of water. They can post these movies on a classroom Web site or on YouTube. Likewise, a science teacher can produce a video about alkanes—hydrogen and carbon compounds—and post it for his or her students. Students and teachers can use sources such as YouTube, AOL Video, or Unitedstreaming to show students the properties of matter in a visual manner.
Students can create a wiki about the global-warming aspect of the structure of the earth system. They might start off by watching An Inconvenient Truth. After they brainstorm the different dimensions of global warming, they research and present their views. Students can add to each other's knowledge through the use of specific examples, including visual ones. They can do research into climate changes in their own area that may or may not be due to global warming, and they can challenge each other's ideas or examples. This ever-changing cumulative knowledge about global warming documents the student's understandings about the earth system.
Net-Based Research
When high school students explore the nature of science, they can complete projects that integrate many technologies. If students complain about the huge number of flies in the science classroom, for instance, the teacher can ask them to design an experiment about flies in the school. As a class, they create a hypothesis and divide into groups to research and conduct the experiment. Group A researches the life cycle of a fly using the Internet and prepares a presentation on what conditions foster a large fly population. Group B designs a data collection spreadsheet instrument. Group C goes around the building to count flies using a spreadsheet on the class tablet computer. Group D documents the presence of flies by taking pictures. The groups combine their information to analyze the data and write up this research lab on flies. One group can create a PowerPoint presentation to visually show the experiment and its results. The class then videoconferences with an entimologist to discuss the findings.
Applying science to the real world through the use of technology not only engages students, but also makes them sophisticated researchers who have the collaboration and problem-solving skills that will serve them well in the digital workforce.
Harry Grover Tuttle is an instructor/project manager at Syracuse University.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

If It Looks Like a Duck, Is It? Sometimes Things Aren't WHAT They Seem!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

"A National Primer on K-12 Online Learning"

http://www.eschoolnews.com Contents Copyright 2007 eSchool News. All rights reserved.
NACOL issues online learning primer New guidebook aims to help officials create online learning programs of their own By Laura Devaney, Associate Editor, eSchool News May 23, 2007
Educators and education stakeholders interested in online learning have a brand-new resource at their disposal. The North American Council for Online Learning (NACOL) has released a free, comprehensive guide to online learning intended to help school leaders implement virtual education programs of their own and help parents understand how online instruction works. "A National Primer on K-12 Online Learning" gives answers to common questions and provides facts about online learning.
The report answers questions such as what an online course looks like, how students will interact with their teacher, and whether online instruction really works. (The short answer: Yes, if done correctly.) It also addresses issues for educators and policy makers who are considering developing their own online learning initiatives, such as what courses can be taught online effectively, what qualifications and training teachers will need, and what policies states or school districts should have in place before starting an online learning program.
"More than 700,000 K-12 students are already learning online. Educators, policy makers, and parents recognize the benefits of providing new opportunities through high-quality online courses that students can access from anywhere, 24-7," said Susan Patrick, NACOL's president and chief executive.
"Yet, despite this growing interest, there are few resources for parents or educators to answer basic questions about online learning. The 'Primer' will serve as a tool for parents seeking the best educational opportunities for their children, and for school leaders and policy makers who must understand the essential elements of online learning in order to make informed decisions about implementing these programs," Patrick said.
She explained: "We get so many phone calls every day from legislators, school board members, parents, and teachers, asking the same questions ... We thought we should put this in writing, so we can help people understand [online learning] a little bit better."
Teachers are essential to the success of any online learning program, Patrick said, adding: "Nothing is more important to the quality of an online course."
One key feature of the report, Patrick said, is that it lays out different models for online instruction. For example, some teachers might teach online classes full-time, whereas others might teach in a classroom and use free periods to teach an online course.
Online learning can help meet the demand for talented math and science teachers in particular, she said, noting the shortage of highly qualified math and science teachers who are needed to help today's students succeed in a global economy.
By the end of 2006, 38 states had established state-led online learning programs, policies regulating online learning, or both, according to NACOL. Of these, 25 states have state-led online learning programs. The number of students taking one or more online courses has grown rapidly, the group adds, with annual growth rates in individual programs—and in some states—consistently in the range of 15 percent to 50 percent over multiple years.
Recommendations contained in NACOL's new primer include funding online learning programs based on educational attainment instead of seat time; progressing students based on outcomes instead of social promotion; and enhancing the use of data throughout education.
"Data are increasingly at the center of education management and policy decisions. Online learning provides an inherent advantage over traditional classrooms in the amount and quality of data that are available through the learning management system: discussions, questions, assessments, time online, progression through and mastery of course material, and numerous other data points typically captured by the software. The information management capacity of online programs is often well ahead of state information systems," the primer says.
The guidebook also addresses some misconceptions that the public might have about online learning, such as the idea that online learning is essentially "teacherless" and that students are isolated and lose out on important social skills.
Other misconceptions include the myth that online teaching and learning is easier—an idea Patrick says isn't necessarily true.
"It's a lot of work, and students who take online courses are often surprised to find out how much harder and rigorous they are," she said. For instance, online courses usually put a heavy emphasis on writing skills; both teachers and students need to have excellent written communication, Patrick said. If students turn in less-than-satisfactory written work, online course instructors will work with them on draft after draft not only until the assignments are satisfactory, but also until the students have truly learned how to improve their skills.
Another misconception is that online courses are easy to pass and make it easy for students to cheat.
Online teachers get a better sense of each student's voice through all the written assignments, and that helps to counteract academic dishonesty, according to the primer.
The primer includes a case study of Ohio's online learning program, called eCommunity Schools, and discusses the state legislature's efforts to put in place measures to ensure academic quality in the eCommunity Schools.
A project of NACOL, the guidebook was written by Evergreen Consulting Associates. Financial support was provided by grants from NACOL and Connections Academy, a national provider of K-12 virtual public schools operated in partnership with charter schools and school districts.
North American Council for Online Learninghttp://www.nacol.org
"A National Primer on K-12 Online Learning"http://www.nacol.org/docs/national_report.pdf
Evergreen Consulting Associateshttp://www.evergreenassoc.com/
Connections Academyhttp://www.connectionsacademy.com/
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Wednesday, May 23, 2007


May 16, 2007

Title Podcasting in Education

Site Description
From the people who invented the iPod comes this Apple Education site all about podcasting. Among its features is a three-part video series: Intro to podcasting, Meeting standards with podcasting, and an Administrator's view on podcasting. A very useful site for anyone eager to try podcasting.

Author or Publisher Apple Education

Website Content

Pictures and/or Illustrations

Grade Appropriate
High School Middle School

Submitted By Janie McNichols